Selected References for The Avalanche Factor
This is a select list of references for The Avalanche Factor. I will update this pages as I learn about better references. Please let me know about references that I should know about. I’m a sap for quality articles and papers! Much of this book is based on my education and experience, filtered through my opinion, which may not have a reference. And I’m not on social media, so I’ve missed all that, so please send me the signal in the noise!
Primary References
Avalanche Encyclopedia from the National Avalanche Center:
Avalanche Hour Podcast:
Parrish. Farnam Street blog:
Greene et al. 2022. Snow, Weather, and Avalanche Guidelines (SWAG), fourth edition, American Avalanche Association:
McClung and Schaerer. 2023. The Avalanche Handbook, fourth edition.
Powder Cloud blog:
Proceedings of the International Snow Science Workshop.
The Avalanche Review:
Tremper. 2018. Staying Alive in Avalanche Terrain, third edition.
Utah Avalanche Center blog:
Utah Avalanche Center podcast.
Chapter 1. Introduction
Avalanche Statistics
Avalanche statistics in the United States from the Colorado Avalanche Information Center:
Birkeland et al. 2017. Letter to the editor, in response to avalanche fatalities in the United States by Jekich et al. Wilderness and Environmental Medicine.
Jamieson et al. 2016. Simple calculations of avalanche risk for backcountry skiing, Proceedings of the ISSW:
Peitzsch et al. 2020. Avalanche victim age: How old are the people who die in avalanches? A look into the ages of avalanche victims in the United States (1950–2018), Journal of Outdoor Recreation and Tourism:
Tremper. What is the risk of riding in avalanche terrain? Utah Avalanche Center blog, accessed November 10, 2022:
Fatalities and Avalanche Characteristics
Hardesty, Drew. 2016. Analysis of Utah Avalanche Fatalities in the Modern Era. Proceedings of the ISSW.
Logan and Greene. 2014. The distribution of fatalities by avalanche problem in Colorado. Proceedings of the ISSW.
Logan and Greene. 2016. The Avalanche Charater Frequency of Reported Avalanche Incidents in Colorado. Proceedings of the ISSW.
Dweck. 2007. Mindset, The New Psychology of Success.
Parrish. How to use Occam’s Razor without getting cut. Farnam Street blog, accessed October 2, 2023:
Roberts. 2020. The swiss cheese model of pandemic defense. New York Times:
Jamieson, Haegeli and Statham. 2015. Uncertainty in snow avalanche risk assessments. GeoQuebec.
Technical Aspects of Snow and Avalanche Risk Management: Resources and Guidelines for Avalanche Practitioners in Canada. 2016. Canadian Avalanche Association.
Think Like a Scientist
Carpenter. 2022. Observation overload: how to prioritize data from pits, weather and snowpack. Backcountry:
Grant. 2021. Think Again, The Power of Knowing What You Don't Know.
LaChapelle. 1980. The fundamental processes In conventional avalanche forecasting. Journal of Glaciology, vol 26(94): 75-84.
Hardesty. Expertise and the Avalanche Problems. Utah Avalanche Center blog, accessed November 12, 2023:
Hutchinson, Jake. 2024. Experience, expertise, and the pursuit of mastery. The Avalanche Review 42.4.
Chapter 2. Terrain
Slope Angle
Dawson. Alpha angle, how far can that avalanche go? Wild Snow blog, accessed October 2, 2023:
Mccammon, Ian. 2023. Slope measurement for humans: inclinometer error and risk communication. Proceedings of the ISSW:
Staples. 2021. 30 degrees. The Avalanche Review 41.2.
Statham and Campbell. 2023. The Avalanche Terrain Exposure Scale v2. Proceedings of the ISSW:
Field Navigation
Dahman and Bohbot. 2020. Habitual use of GPS negatively impacts spatial memory during self-guided navigation. Scientific Reports:
Parrish. The map is not the territory. Farnam Street blog, accessed September 30, 2023:
Rosen. 2014. The knowledge, London’s legendary taxi-driver test puts up a fight in the age of GPS. New York Times:
Stewart-Patterson. 2023. Why GPS is making us dumb. Powder Cloud blog:
Pixel Size
2019/01/05, Colorado, Upper Senator Beck Basin, northwest of Red Mountain Pass, accident report:
Deems. 2020. Digital mapping: do you know what your map knows? The Avalanche Review:
Chapter 3. Weather and Snowpack
Snow Climate
Haegeli and McClung. 2017. Expanding the snow-climate classification with avalanche-relevant information, Initial description of avalanche winter regimes for southwestern Canada. Cambridge University Press:
Mock and Birkeland. 2000. Snow avalanche climatology of the western United States mountain ranges. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society.
Climate Change
O’Neill. How climate change impacts avalanche conditions. Protect our Winters blog, accessed September 30, 2023:
Steenburgh. Avalanches and climate change, part I. Wasatch Weather Weenies, accessed September 30, 2023:
Steenburgh. Avalanches and climate change, part II. Wasatch Weather Weenies, accessed September 30, 2023:
Steenburgh. What is greenhousing? Wasatch Weather Weenies, accessed September 30, 2023:
Woodmency, Jim. 2018. Personal communication.
Snow Surface Energy Exchange
Jamieson, Bruce. 2017. Energy exchange (heat transfers) at the snow surface:
Kalio, Greg. 2020-2023. Personal communication.
Weak Layers and Fatalities
Schweizer and Lütschg. 2001. Characteristics of human-triggered avalanches. Cold Regions Science and Technology, 33(2001): 147–162.
Hardesty, Drew. A Reckoning. Utah Avalanche Center blog, accessed September 30, 2023:
Hardesty, Drew. Expert intuition and the avalanche problem. Utah Avalanche Center blog, accessed September 30, 2023:
Hardesty, Drew. 2026, Analysis of Utah Avalanche Fatalities in the Modern Era. Proceedings of the International Snow Science Workshop.pdf
Logan and Greene. 2014. The distribution of fatalities by avalanche problem in Colorado. Proceedings of the ISSW.
Logan and Greene. 2016. The Avalanche Charater Frequency of Reported Avalanche Incidents in Colorado. Proceedings of the ISSW.
Hammonds and Baker. 2016. Investigating the thermophysical properties of the ice-snow interface Part II, Thermal contact resistance. Proceedings of the ISSW.
Shea et al. 2012. Hot crust cold crust. The Avalanche Review, 30(3): 28:
Jamieson, Bruce. 2020. Near-crust faceting and slab avalanching:
Near-Surface Faceting
Birkeland, Karl. 1998. Terminology and predominant processes associated with the formation of weak layers of near-surface faceted crystals in the mountain snowpack. Arctic and Alpine Research, 30(2): 193-199.
Pit Tests
Birkeland, Karl and Chabot, Doug. 2006. Minimizing false stable stability test results, why digging more snowpits is a good idea. Proceedings of the ISSW.
Greene, Ethan et al. 2022. Snow, Weather, and Avalanche Guidelines (SWAG), fourth edition. American Avalanche Association:
Chapter 4. Observing
Red and Yellow Flags
McCammon and Haegeli. 2006. Evaluation of a rule-based decision aid for recreational travelers in avalanche terrain. Proceedings of the ISSW.
About Observing
Guyn, Todd. 2016. 10 common missteps of avalanche practitioners. Proceedings of the ISSW.
Mair and Nairz. 2013. Avalanche danger patterns. Proceedings of the ISSW.
Zacharias, Colin. The power of noticing. Powder Cloud blog, accessed February 23, 2023:
Extended Column Test
Birkeland and Simenhois. 2008. The extended column test: test effectiveness, spatial variability, and comparison with the propagation saw test. Proceedings of the ISSW:
Carpenter, Sarah. 2019. How quick pits improve decision making. Backcountry:
Jamieson, Bruce. Should you test the snowpack for instabililty?:
Mariental, Chabot and Birkeland. 2023. Comparing the effectiveness of ECT, PST and CT for assessing snow stability. Proceedings of the ISSW.
McCammon, Ian and Sharaf, Don. 2005. Integrating structure, strength and energy into stability decisions. The Avalanche Review, 23(3): 18-19.
Richards, Birkeland and Earl. 2023. What's the score? Scoring snowpits for better communication of stability assessments. Proceedings of the ISSW:
Chapter 5. Danger and Problems
Main Reference
Statham, Grant et al. 2017. Conceptual model of avalanche hazard. Natural Hazards.
Atkins. 2004. An avalanche characterization checklist for backcountry travel decisions, Proceedings of the ISSW.
Avalanche problems explained. National Avalanche Center:
Avalanche Release
Jamieson, Bruce. How do natural dry slab avalanches release?:
Schweizer et al. 2016. Avalanche release 101. Proceedings of the ISSW.
See also Chapter 3 references for Weak Layers and Fatalities.
Lees. Wet snow avalanches. Utah Avalanche Center blog, accessed September 30, 2023:
Jamieson, Bruce et al, 2010, Which Obs For Which Avalanche Type?, Proceedings of the ISSW.
Travel Advice
Fisher et al. 2022. Travel and terrain advice statements in public avalanche bulletins. Natural Hazards.
Wagner, Wendy and Hardesty, Drew. 2014. Travel advice for the avalanche problems: a public forecasting tool. Proceedings of the ISSW.
LaChapelle. 1980. The fundamental process in conventional avalanche forecasting, Journal of Glaciology.
Klassen. Managing avalanche risk part 3: avalanche forecasting. Powder Cloud blog, accessed September 30, 2023:
American Avalanche Association Avalanche Encylopedia. North American Public Danger Scale:
Atkins. 2013. Risk, sometimes we're ocusing on the wrong action. The Avalanche Review, 31 (4): 22.
Avalanche danger scale. Utah Avalanche Center, accessed July 7, 2023:
Hardesty. Danger in the danger rating. Utah Avalanche Center blog, accessed October 12, 2022:
Statham et al. 2010. North American avalanche danger scale. Proceedings of the ISSW:
Chapter 6. People
Rethinking the Human Factor
Johnson et al. 2020. Rethinking the heuristic traps paradigm in avalanche education, Cogent Social Sciences:
Stewart-Patterson. 2016. Nothing bad happened. The Avalanche Review 34(4): 18-19:
Kahneman et al. 2011. Before you make that big decision, Harvard Business Review, p51-60.
Statham. 2021. Thinking in risk, Powder Cloud blog, accessed October 25, 2021:
Hardesty. Meditations on skiing the no-fall zone. Applying the CMAH to the Grunge Couloir and other ramblings. Utah Avalanche Center blog, accessed September 30, 2023:
Statham. Risk: The anatomy of chance and uncertainty, TEDxCanmore:
Wicked Environment
Hogarth et al, 2015, The two settings of kind and wicked learning environments, Psychological Science, 24(5): 379–385.
Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs
Maslow. 1943. A theory of human motivation. Psychological Review, 50(4): 370–396.
Kahneman. 2011. Thinking, Fast and Slow.
Klein. 1998. Sources of Power: How People Make Decisions.
Stewart-Patterson. Avalanche Hour Podcast, #7.18:
Tversky and Kahneman. 1974. Judgment under Uncertainty: Heuristics and Biases. Science, 185(4157): 1124-1131.
Childs. 2022. Talent or talismans: was it luck or skill that got this lifer through?
Corliss. 2012. Passion conquers all fear. TEDxPortland:
Mauboussin. 2012. The Success Equation: Untangling Skill and Luck in Business, Sports, and Investing.
Pluchino et al. 2018. Talent vs luck- the role of randomness in success and failure. Advances in Complex Systems, 21(3,4): 1-31.
Stock, Joe. 2024. Luck and Avoiding Avalanches. The Avalanche Review, 42.4: 16-17.
Parrish, Shane. Confirmation bias and the power of disconfirming evidence. Farnam Street blog, accessed October 1, 2023:
Parrish, Shane. Hindsight bias, why you’re not as smart as you think you are. Farnam Street blog, accessed October 1, 2023:
McCammon. 2004. Heuristic traps in recreational avalanche accidents. Avalanche News, #68.
Duke. 2018. Thinking in Bets, Making Smarter Decisions when you Don’t Have all the Facts.
Kristensen, Genswein and Munter. 2012. Perception of risk in avalanche terrain. Proceedings of the ISSW:
Parrish, Shane. The value of probabilistic thinking: spies, crime, and lightning strikes. Farnam Street blog, accessed October 1, 2023:
Social Media
Bull. Does social media affect your ski tours?, accessed October 1, 2023:
Haubursin. How geotagged photos harm nature, What happens when nature goes viral?, accessed October 1, 2023:
Isaak. 2016. Social Media and Decision Making in Avalanche Terrain. Proceedings of the ISSW.
Johnson et al. 2020. Social signaling. The Avalanche Review, 38(4): 26-28:
Leave No Trace. Social media guidance. Accessed October 1, 2023:
Mannberg et al. 2018. Keeping up with Jeremy Jones, positional preferences and risky terrain choices. Proceedings of the ISSW.
Smiley, Mark. Avalanche Safety Course. Mountain Sense:
Carpenter et al. 2014. Using a checklist for travel in backcountry avalanche terrain. Proceedings of the ISSW:
Gawande, Atul. 2009. The Checklist Manifesto, How to Get Things Right.
Boilen, Sara. 2023. Toward a conceptual framework for sense and decision making in the backcountry. The Avalanche Review, 41.4: 20-21.
Costa and Staples. 2023. Focus on perception not just decision making. The Avalanche Review, 42.1: 18-19.
Chapter 7. Margins for Safety
Birkeland, Karl. 2017. Personal communication.
Jamieson, Haegeli and Statham. 2015. Uncertainty in snow avalanche risk assessments. GeoQuebec.
Parrish, Shane. Margin of safety: An introduction to the mental model. Farnam Street blog, accessed October 1, 2023:
Technical Aspects of Snow and Avalanche Risk Management: Resources and Guidelines for Avalanche Practitioners in Canada. 2016. Canadian Avalanche Association.
Start on Simple Terrain
Jones, Jeremy. 2022. The Art of Schralpinism.
Slow Down
Graham. High risk/low frequency events in the fire service:
Set Safe and Efficient Skin Tracks
Stock, Joe. Skin track setting. Stock Alpine blog, accessed October 1, 2023:
Ski Defensively
Goldie, Larry. 2013. The biggest secret your avalanche instructor never mentioned: the ski cut. Off Piste, p20-21.
Jamieson, Bruce. Ski cutting in the backcountry. Powder Cloud blog, accessed October 1, 2023:
Tart, Jimmy. 2023. Reframing ski cut, adding context, to improve risk communication. Proceedings of the International Snow Science Workshop.
Turn Around
Dawson. 1992. Style Matters: The Art of the Ski Line. Wild Snow blog, accessed June 17, 2023.
Messner. 1971. The Murder of the Impossible. Mountain.
Stock, Joe. Turning around: the importance of failure in the mountains. Stock Alpine blog, accessed accessed October 1, 2023:
Consider Others
Hardesty. 2014. How the freedom of the hills has become anarchy in the backcountry, Do we need a backcountry responsibility code? Proceedings of the ISSW.
Ski Kind. The Backcountry Respondsibility Code:
Chapter 8. Putting it All Together
Zacharias. 2015. A toolbox approach to snowpack observations, craftsmanship, relevancy and verification. Avalanche Journal #111:
Uncertainty Scale
Stock, Joe. 2024. Avalanche uncertainty scale. The Avalanche Review, 42.4: 18-19.
Avalanche Canada. Welcome to the Trip Planner:
Haegeli et al. 2006. The Avaluator, a Canadian rule-based avalanche decision support tool for amateur recreationists. Proceedings of the ISSW.
Travel Advice
Floyer and Bender. 2018. The Dangerator, A method for estimating avalanche danger in areas with no public avalanche forecasts. Proceedings of the ISSW.
Atkins, Roger. 2014. Yin, Yang and You. Proceedings of the ISSW.
Zacharias. 2021. Applying the strategic mindset to recreational avalanche courses. The Avalanche Review 40(2): 18-19:
Crux Slopes
Rueter et al. 2021. An intuitive path to D×C−M=R. The Avalanche Review, 39.4:
Backcountry Access. Link radio reference manuals.
Beacon Check
D’Alessio, Nick. 2016. The D'BEST beacon check. The Avalanche Review, vol 35(1): 19.
Brown. 2015. Daring Greatly. How the Courage to Be Vulnerable Transforms the Way We Live, Love, Parent, and Lead.
Dawson. The backcountry skiing safety debrief. Wild Snow blog, accessed October 21, 2022.
Zacharias, Colin. The day end debrief. Powder Cloud blog, accessed October 22, 2022.
Chapter 9. Climbing and Avalanches
Astorga, Chantel. 2022. Five years on the Cassin: two firsts on Denali's south side. American Alpine Journal.
Chabot, Doug. 2001. Alpinism and avalanches, The Avalanche Review, 19(4):
Colorado Avalanche Information Center. Avalanche accidents by activity: accessed April 5, 2023:
Schonwald, Matt. 2020. Avalanches and climbing. American Alpine Journal.
Statham, Grant. 2020. Ice climbing and avalanches, it’s time for climbers to take risk more seriously. American Alpine Club, accessed October 21, 2021.
Statham, Grant. 2023. Ice Climbing Avalanche Atlas. Proceedings of the International Snow Science Workshop.
Chapter 10. Rescue
Avalanche, accessed October 3, 2023:
Backcountry, accessed October 3, 2023:
Beacon, accessed October, 2023:
Burial Time vs Survival
Atkins. 2010. Avalanche rescue, The United States experience 1999/00 to 2008/09, Proceeding of the ISSW.
Haegeli et al. 2011. Comparison of avalanche survival patterns in Canada and Switzerland. Canadian Medical Association Journal, 183(7).
Haegeli et al. 2014. The effectiveness of avalanche airbags. Resuscitation:
Search Method
Achelis. Search strip widths., accessed October 1, 2023:
Edgerly and Conway. 2023. Using group search techniques and lane discipline to build an effective “search array” in avalanche rescue. Proceedings of the ISSW:
Hutchinson. 2023. Observed avalanche rescue. The Avalanche Review 41.1: 22-24
ICAR. 2008. Determination by equipment manufacturers of the search strip width to be used with transceivers:
Probe Line
Ballard et al. 2004. Probing for avalanche victims. Proceedings of the ISSW?
Genswein et al. 2014. Slalom probing. Proceedings of the ISSW.
Banefield. 2018. 13 feet deep. Black Diamond Equipment:
Edgerly and Atkins. 2006. Strategic shoveling: the next frontier in companion rescue. Proceedings of the ISSW:
Genswein and Elde. 2008. The v-shaped snow conveyor belt. Proceedings of the ISSW:
First Aid
Tilburg et al. 2017. Wilderness Medical Society practice guidelines for prevention and management of avalanche and nonavalanche snow burial accidents. Wilderness & Environmental Medicine, 28: 23–42.
Brugger et al. 2013. Resuscitation of avalanche victims: Evidence-based guidelines of the international commission for mountain emergency medicine (ICAR MEDCOM) Intended for physicians and other advanced life support personnel. Resuscitation, 84(5): 539-546:
Dawson. 2019. Post rescue patient care. Powder Cloud blog, accessed October 2, 2023: